Photography by Dougie Cunningham


Life’s too short to blog every job (or even most of them), but some are just too good not to share! Take this page as a collection of favourites, posted as and when time allows…

Nine Twenty Insp-Hire

I’ve not been to a careers event since I was in school, which was a distressingly long time ago now. I remember sitting down and answering a lot of questions before the fancy new computer processed my answers and declared that I should look forward to a career in administration, or something equally exciting.

It seems careers fairs have changed a bit since then!

I was hired to photograph the nine twenty Insp-Hire event at Glasgow Caledonian, which is aimed at engaging young kids with potential futures in STEM careers. There was a notable absence of dreary lectures, or anything as crass as trying to shoe-horn kids into pigeon hole careers. There was an abundance of employers and organisations all out trying to inspire and share their own enthusiasm in their chosen fields.

I am about 30 years too old to fall into their target audience, and despite being very satisfied by my job as a photographer I couldn’t help get caught up in it myself. It was a brilliant event. Well done to the organisers.